Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Malleable Mind

     The human mind is a mysterious organ. It serves its physical host in a myriad of ways. It can enhance healing of various parts of the body; it regulates physical complexities such as body temperature, blood flow, tissue growth, hearing, facilitate sight as well as many other basic functions. During sleep when most of the body is at rest, the mind continues to function by regulating breathing, heart rate, and it produces mental images we commonly call dreams. We don’t actually see anything, but our minds envision places, people, stories, situations, past experiences, dialogues, problem solving, etc., that we have never consciously experienced before. There is much yet to learn about the human brain including the possible mental connection between all forms of flora and fauna, as we continue to discover.
     Hypnosis is a mysterious power over the mind and is not just a parlor game. It is a noninvasive method of overriding the conscious mind and tapping into the subconscious. Hypnosis is commonly used for a number of medical purposes, assisting law enforcement, addictive cessation, pain reduction, behavior modification, etc. The subconscious parts of the mind are like hidden files on a computer. The subconscious contains information that we didn’t know we had retained and through the use of hypnosis can be accessed and recalled. Although hypnosis is usually administered by a qualified person, it can also be self induced with training.
     Through hypnosis, a post-hypnotic instruction can be given so that the person so treated will perform an action without his/her awareness at sometime in the future, whenever a specific trigger circumstance occurs. Hypnosis can condition the mind to accept what is not real. It can cause a person to believe they are an animal and act accordingly; it can cause a person to not recognize family or friends; it can cause a person to see or imagine something that is not there. The power to override the mind’s normal behavior and instructions is not completely understood, but has been well documented.
     Other external conditions that can influence perceptions of the mind are: the Stockholm Syndrome, Brain Washing, Mob Hysteria, Extreme Fervor, etc.

Belief is a multifaceted concept which does not necessarily require a basis in fact or truth.

     During the most recent hundred years, man has been able to increase his knowledge exponentially in the fields of human behavior, science, and the universe. We have expanded the knowledge base of our world more in the last 50 years than during the previous 200,000 years. Today we can read farther into the past and future than we have ever been able to do. These wide screen visions have enabled us to answer more questions than our ancestors could even dream of asking. We know many things about our neighborhood in the universe. We know what our genomes are made of and where the material came from. We know much about the stages of development and growth of biology on this planet. We have excavated in every part of the globe to find out what our ancestors did, and why and when they did it. We don’t pretend to have all of the answers, but we have more answers and knowledge than any of our ancestors could even imagine.

Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true.

     Many animals have sufficient intelligence to be trained in a relative short period of time to perform domestic service or for entertainment purposes. If at the end of their training and usefulness there is a period of noncontact with their trainer or their useful environment, most animals will retain some measure of their training. When, after a long period, they are reunited with their trainer or environment of their prior use, they will still be able to perform a measure of their purpose for being trained. Although this is the result of only a single generation of training, it is held in some point of memory until the animal dies.
     For 200,000 years superstitious, yet intelligent humans have been conditioned and trained on a daily basis to believe the only answer to unknown phenomenon or occurrences, whether good or bad, is the result of an invisible power who manipulates the universe as well as our lives. Laws and rules have been presented by witchdoctors, shaman, chiefs, prophets, priests, preachers, etc. in stories and myths to appease these unknown powers and avoid future calamities. This training has not been instilled in only one generation, as in the case of the trained animal, but engrained over thousands of years of generations to the point that no one dares to question the existence or influence of any deities.
     Every culture that has ever existed has met the same unknowns in the same superstitious manner. Stories were generated to answer the question of creation; rules of behavior were established to minimize the risk of angering the invisible powers who can do good or bad things to us. If you are not obedient to these rules and laws, you risk being thrown out of the herd. The human drive for survival has produced a fantasy life after death to accommodate a desire for immortality. No matter where you live on the globe or how primitive or sophisticated the culture may be, all have produced answers they can understand to the unknown conditions of superstitions. Many Gods, many traditions, and many rules have been the results of our encounters with events that we do not understand and have no answers for.
One big gap in our recent wealth of knowledge is, we don’t yet know what, where, or who God is. We think God is the creator of all that is. So on this subject; we don’t have enough information to disprove God’s existence. On the other hand, we do have enough verifiable information about our past to know that the ancient texts we have traditionally relied on for information about God are not reliable. Most of the authors are unknown; many recorded events which did not happen; insufficiently verifiable or corroborating archeological evidence; conflicting accounts and details, etc.
     Not a single person, present or past, has ever been able to prove or disprove the existence of a God, neither Atheist, Jew, Christian, Muslim, etc. There is simply no human test for the God theory. Although there are many who would disagree with this statement, no one has been able to produce any substantive proof. There are many who claim to “feel” God’s presence as a real experience. However strong a person chooses to believe in God, it still remains a condition of choice and not proof. Many religions teach an attitude of, “Just believe and have faith” and it will become real. Their proof is concealed in the premise that all one must do is believe and it will be so.
     So, for now, we stand in the middle. We know too little about God to say that God does or does not exist; and we know too much about our past and future to continue to allow ancient superstitions to limit or control our pursuit of knowledge and truth. None of the ancient texts and stories remotely depicts or describes a God who created everything that has evolved over the past 13.7 billion years.
     Does God communicate only with the “good,” “righteous,” or “religious” of only one tribe or denomination on earth?”
     Does asking questions and considering the current wealth of accumulated knowledge make anyone an Atheist, Agnostic, Deist . . . . . . or just an Aboriginal Seeker on the 3rd planet from a sun, in only one solar system of the billions of galaxies throughout the universe? 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Adventures in Publishing

This writing thing could develop into a compulsion as I now have 2 books that have been published. However, I have entered into a therapeutic mode which is supposed to restrain any and all unbridled impulses to scribble imaginative adventures found only in my mind.

It all began as an almost illegible entry near the bottom of my bucket list, something that had occupied a hidden corner in the recesses of my mind. Once exposed to the light, it became almost uncontrollable and has resulted in not only this Blog space, but has spread into the publishing world without any warning.

The first book I experimented with, published in October, 2012, was to inaugurate my acquaintance with the publishing world with a story that exists somewhere between the lines of Genesis, Chapter 1. aptly named, “The Magic of Creation.”

Synopsis: A story that answers the mysterious conditions before the Big Bang, then continues to explain the “how” everything in the universe was made and has evolved.

My second book, Secrets of the Atom’s Family, published today, is my introduction to the Ebook world. It has (or will be soon) been made available through many ebook sources, i.e. Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Apple, etc. and in many downloadable formats and can be viewed and sampled at the following website:

Synopsis: Mysterious phenomena continue to occur all around the world which have not, or cannot, be explained. This story is about an unexpected adventure of a modern day prospector who has spent most of his life exploring western mountain ranges in search of his “El Dorado.” Instead, he discovers something he could never have imagined and cannot share with anyone, but you.

I hope you will enjoy and find some educational merit in these therapeutic exercises. When, and if, I again feel the urge to put into words some expressions of vicarious adventure, I will continuously murmur the mantra, “why?” but as one of the descriptions listed in my bio so accurately reveals, I am an unabashed loose canon who not only possess an open mind, but an open mouth from which is frequently extracted a foot.
