Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Monotheistic Diety

What do we know about the nature of the Judeo/Christian Deity?
Biblically described as: He, Yahweh, loving, jealous, forgiving, patient, omnipotent, eternal, merciful, angry, vengeful, truthful, peaceful, light, mighty, terrible, changeless, wisdom, spirit, all knowing, creator, etc.

Where did this information come from?
From the collection of ancient texts used to compile the Old & New Testament bible by a series of Bishop’s Councils first convened in Nicea in Bithynia (Turkey), by the Roman Emperor Constantine I, approximately 1,686 years ago (325 AD). Many ancient texts were submitted to be considered for inclusion in the final group of texts for biblical authority, but only a few of these texts were selected.

How old are the earliest written texts regarding the existence and character of the Judeo/Christian Deity?
The oldest texts were written approximately 2,400 years ago (600 BCE) when Hebrew elders began writing the first books of the Old Testament while in captivity in Babylon. The stories of Abraham were transitioned from oral to written form approximately 800 years after his death; and approximately 200 years after Moses and the exodus event (authors unknown). The gospels of the New Testament were transitioned from oral to written form approximately 40 to 150 years after the disappearance of Jesus (authors unknown).

How long has Modern Man populated this planet in tribes, clans, villages, or cultures?
Lucy is the common name of AL 288-1, is composed of several hundred pieces of bone representing about 40% of the skeleton of an individual Australopithecus afarensis. The specimen was discovered in 1974 at Hadar in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia's Afar Depression. Although Lucy is estimated to have lived 3.2 million years ago, it is generally accepted that the ancestors of modern humans originated about 200,000 years ago in the Middle Paleolithic period in southern Africa. By 70,000 years ago, humans had migrated out of Africa and began colonizing the entire planet. They spread to Eurasia and Oceania 40,000 years ago, and reached the Americas by 14,500 years ago. During the Abraham event, the world was populated by approximately 25 million people in various stages of cultural development.

How old is the Monotheistic Judeo/Christian Deity?
There is no written record of a Monotheistic Judeo/Christian God existing prior to the Biblical story of Abraham. The Monotheistic Judeo/Christian God has only been in existence for the past 3000 years. God and the Jewish nation came into existence at the same time in the story of Abraham. Christianity came into existence as an offshoot of Judaism and has continued the theology of a Monotheistic Deity which became expanded into a Trinity. The Christian church was born with the compiling and selection of written materials to be included in the New Testament Bible by the many Councils of Bishops who made decisions about how the first Roman churches would be organized and supported by authority. Weekly services for the proletariat became a necessary practice in order to reinforce the new doctrine and theology of “the Church.” This frequently assembled practice has permeated the Christian culture with continued mythological growth.

How does a God Myth continue to grow?
Prior to the existence of a Monotheistic Judeo/Christian God, there existed a wide array of Gods. Gods who would or could meet the particular superstitions of the people. Families often had several Gods in the form of small replicas for each member of the family. Whenever people traveled or moved it was necessary to carry these Gods with them. Choices of Gods were influenced by local cultural practices as well as geographical locations. How effective these Gods were depended upon the belief in what each God could do for you. In about 1000 BCE, the Monotheistic Judeo/Christian God was introduced as the Alpha God who was capable of being or doing everything, and even more, than any of the lesser Gods could be, or do. There was no physical replica of this Alpha God to carry around. The belief that he was everywhere made it all the more convenient to adopt this new God.

It was a common belief that this Alpha God created first man from the material of the earth and woman from his rib several million years ago; then approximately 2000 years ago the Alpha God sired a son with a human virgin female. It was also believed that the son of the Alpha God possessed some of the same powers as his father. Since it had been a long held belief that humans possessed a spirit that departed from the body upon death and made its way to an afterlife, it also held that the son of the Alpha God, being born of a human female, also had a spirit. However, the spirit of the son of the Alpha God did not follow the normal protocol of the times. Instead, it was believed that his spirit, also possessing the same powers as the Alpha God, remained and continued to exist among men. Thus was born the unique and Holy Trinity.

Today, the images, replicas, and idols of the many Gods still exist. Even the Alpha God has obtained a foothold in several cultures under many different names. How much power these Gods possess is measured by the devotion of their believers. No proof, facts, or corroborating evidence is required of the Gods existence or power, only a steady diet of myths, legends and traditions are needed to sustain a belief system in the Gods.

Belief is a multifaceted concept which does not necessarily require a basis in fact or truth.

Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true.


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