Imagine a time before mankind; a time when there were no top
bananas, no egomaniacs, no whiney humanoids; a time when the Creator could
enjoy his “garden” planet alone.
Consider conditions now. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days
a week, one Deity or another, is called upon by millions of people all at once
making every imaginable request from healing, to wealth.
Does anyone consider this a reasonable scenario for either a
Deity or mankind? Why would anyone create these conditions.
What is Prayer? Before early man knew a God, did he pray?
Prayer is generally accepted as the unique method humans use
to communicate with Deities. Although this communication is generally a one-way
street, there are some who claim to have a 2-way communication with Deities,
but their only evidence for this is their word.
Prayer takes many forms. Some prayers require ritualistic
and prescribed positions at specific times of the day, while others take the
form of a reverent and private utterance by individuals at any time of the day
or night. Still others are very casual, without any formality, and take the
form of a conversation with a friend. The various form prayers take is usually
influenced by the culture or religion in which it is taught.
There was no prayer until the fears and superstitions of conscious
mankind encountered invisible forces which were causing unexplained and
mysterious events affecting their existence. These mysterious and harassing events
took many forms such as lightening, erupting volcanoes, earthquakes, floods,
fire, unexplained deaths of members of the tribe, etc., were all events early
man could not explain or predict and were attributed to the actions of unseen
forces. Eventually these unseen forces were identified as Deities and given
appropriate names such as, rain God, fire God, underworld God, God of thunder,
etc. Attempts were made to communicate with these Gods for mercy, for help, for
protection from enemies, etc., and these unique communication supplications eventually
became known as prayers.
The unseen forces, “Deities,” soon became associated with
visible and earthly objects. A tree that managed to survive a lightning strike
became considered as “sacred.” Animals also became associated with Deities as
sacred, i.e., sacred cows, sacred monkeys, sacred eagles, etc. Even some people
took on an air of sacredness. Statues
and images of all kinds were created depicting not only some Deities, but most
if not all of the sacred objects as well.
Eventually, even the sacred objects were worshiped in the same manner as
the Deities. Today, sacred objects are worshiped and prayed to in every culture
in the world. Every religious and many secular buildings contain images of
sacred objects that are used in worship and prayer.
It’s impossible to ever know what the percentage of prayers
answered in the manner requested by the petitioner, versus the percentage of
prayers unanswered since the beginning of mankind. Based on personal experience
it would be fairly reasonable to say many more prayers have been unanswered
than answered in accordance with the petitioner’s request. I believe this has
been the case from the beginning of the first prayers uttered by mankind.
Because Deities have not granted the requests of mankind very often, mankind incorporated
a very human trait with his prayer to help the Gods listen and make decisions
in man’s favor; and that was to sweeten the request with gifts. Gifts began
accompanying all prayers to gain favorable results. The types of early gifts
would have been the same kind of gifts that might have been exchanged or given
to other members of the tribe; a favorite bauble, a prized tool, a pet animal,
a collection of feathers, etc.
As cultures became more sophisticated, highly specialized
individuals who were deemed to have a unique relationship with Deities were
elevated to the position of religious leader. These medicine men, witchdoctors,
shaman, priests, etc. were first recognized as having magical healing powers
and were the natural inheritors of the later position of religious leader as
well. They were eventually the final authority for setting the rules for all
religious practices, including prayers, gifts and/or sacrifices, etc., offered
to the Gods. These tribal religious leaders opened up a whole new chapter in
attempts to get the attention and favorable responses from their Deities. Gifts
and sacrifices became somewhat related to the seriousness of the supplications
and requests being made.
Mankind had always been a hunter and warrior. Killing game
for food had taught mankind about early anatomy and the stages of dying of a
mortal wound by observation. This same knowledge was applied to deaths of enemies
as the results of battle.
When an animal or human was mortally wounded, its blood was
spilled out of the body and the victim became dead. Therefore, the strength and
life of the victim was thought to be contained in the blood that was drained
from the body. For many cultures it became a practice that the hunter or the
victors in battle would be strengthened by consuming the blood of the animal or
human that had been dispatched. From these discoveries, gifts and sacrifices to
the Gods began to include the blood of animals, human enemies, virgins, babies,
etc., anything the tribal religious leader decided was necessary to please
their Gods.
Today, most of the practices of animal or human sacrifice have
been discontinued. Now, gifts or sacrifices accompanying prayer requests
involve making a deal such as, “if God would grant me this request, I will go
to church every Sunday.”, or, “If you crawl on your knees to the top of this
sacred pyramid then pray to God, he will hear and grant your request.”, or, “If
God would help us win this football game, I will never say a swear word again.”
Until the Jewish Temple was destroyed in Jerusalem in 70 AD,
animal sacrifices were practiced for the atonement of sins and the adoration of
God. During Jewish high holy days, the priests who officiated at the alter of
animal sacrifices were knee deep in animal blood. The temple in Jerusalem was
the only place Jewish sacrifices could be made. When the temple was destroyed,
the Jews lost their only official and approved place to make sacrifices. If,
and when, the temple is rebuilt, Orthodox Jews will again resume animal
sacrifices. Temple furniture, altars and accoutrements have been constructed
according to Jewish law and are now awaiting the restoration of their temple.
In the final analysis, it would appear that prayer in all of
its variations of attempts to communicate with a God, has been initiated by the
superstitions and ignorance of early mankind. Claims made by human beings of
hearing God’s voice or words have wreaked more havoc and dissention among men
than any Deity would create. I believe that if the creator of the universe
wanted to make his will and wishes known to mankind, he certainly has the
ability to do so in a manner that could not, and would not, be misconstrued or
mistaken. The fact that there are more than 38,000 Christian denominations,
cults, or sects, and easily as many non-Christian cultures in the world today,
confirms my suspicions that God did not originate the Holy message that mankind
thought he had received.
Prayer is, and has become, an empathetic exercise, and
expression of courage and sympathy, for and between, people. Persons in
distress are comforted in the knowledge that other persons are praying for
them. Personal prayer produces the same results as personal meditation; an
attitude of calm and mental objectivity; solutions to problems are mentally
explored during an attitude of prayer; acceptance of adverse conditions over
which we have no control is softened; visions of well-being are imagined and
acted upon, etc. Prayer produces the release of personal control and anxiety
over situations we are powerless to change.
Prayer has become as ingrained in our human character as the
ability to verbalize thoughts. It has been our only means of dealing with the
unknown and the unknowable. Until such time as we know all there is to know
about ourselves and our universe, we shall rely upon conversation with the one
who knows all of the answers in the hope that he will take care of us now, and
in the future.