Creationism and Evolution are general terms used to describe
how the universe arrived at its present state. The most notable difference between
the two concepts is that one assumes the present state of the universe was
planned and executed by a Deity, while the other studies the present state of
the universe and discovers that there have been thousands of gradual steps to
produce what we are today.
The source for the concept of Western Creationism is the Hebrew
texts found in the Old Testament, first written between 1000-900 BCE, and finalized
between 400-300 BCE. The concepts of Western Creationism vary widely. Creationism
beliefs exist on many different levels from the Flat Earth philosophy, to a
belief known as Intelligent Design.
One of the early theories was proposed by Bishop John Ussher
(1581-1656) and established that the first day of creation was Sunday, 23
October, 4004 BC, and that Adam and Eve were driven from Paradise on Monday, 10
November, 4004 BC, and that Noah’s ark touched down on Mt Ararat on Wednesday, 5
May, 2348 BC.
Another less radical Creationism concept called the Young
Earth Creationists who believe the entire universal creation is no older than
10,000 years, and that the Creator purposefully aged everything to make it
appear older than it is. The geology and topography of today’s planet earth is
believed to be the result of a massive worldwide flood which occurred during the
time of Noah.
A more contemporary version of Creationism has developed a
pseudoscientific hypothesis which is known as Intelligent Design. This concept
accepts most of the current Scientific theories of the age of the universe and
the solar system, but holds that a “supernatural force” (a Deity) planned and created
the universe. After a period of time the “supernatural force” began creating
each form of life that exists today, in its current state of development. It is
believed that this Deity continues to manipulate not only the course of the universe
but the lives of all creation on a daily basis. Intelligent Design Creationists
do not believe that any current life forms have ever evolved from other
species. All of Creationism believes that all human beings live in a perpetual
state of Original Sin which is inherited at our birth from Adam and Eve. It
also holds that the only relief from this inherited curse is to make atonement
in some form of ritual dedicated to the Deity of creation; otherwise all un-atoned
beings will suffer eternal damnation. Western Creationism is based on a
Judeo/Christian dogma of ancient texts lacking reason, fact, or evidence.
Although Western Creationism is more familiar in English
speaking cultures, it is by far not
the only Creation myth in existence. There are as many Creation myths and
legends in the world today as there are cultures. Each Creation story is
believed by its adherents with as much fervor and devotion as is the Western
Creation myth by Western cultures. Since no one was present during any of the
Creation events, they are all based on the limits of human imagination which does
not include any evidence or facts.
Evolution is also a broad general term which describes the
processes of discovery, research and testing of events that have occurred since
the beginning of time. These processes often involve many scientific
disciplines working in concert to define and date archeological evidence of
incidents and phases that have not only affected the universe and this planet,
but the life forms that have developed here. Evolution’s premise is based on
the concept that all life forms, both flora and fauna, share a common ancestry.
Research has revealed the DNA of all life forms is essentially the same, the
only difference in the various species is the segments of the DNA strand that
are activated by the inherited chromosomes to reproduce a human, an elephant, a
opossum, a snake, a fish, or an oak tree,
either as a male or a female. The single DNA strand found in all life forms is
essentially an historic record of an evolutionary progression which results in
what we are today.
Early research involved in mapping genomes (DNA strands)
theorized that man must have the largest number of genomes because we were the
most complicated species at the top of the food chain. However, after genome
mapping was conducted on many life forms, including mankind, it revealed that
there are many species of flora and fauna that possess a much older and more
complex genome map definition than mankind. Continuing research into DNA strand
segments, identifiers and genome mapping have revealed an undeniable evidence
of mutations that have caused new species to evolve from much older and simpler
life forms. Survivability of all species is constantly tested for their ability
to adapt and cope with the continuously changing environment. Mutations that
cannot cope with these external changes, whether it is a complete species or an
individual, become extinct.
Although DNA molecules have continued to produce evolving
mutations and varietal changes in all species, the building blocks which form
the basic amino acids of the DNA strands has not changed. The Hydrogen, Carbon,
Oxygen, etc. atoms which were created from energy in the initial Big Bang and the
subsequent death of giant stars (Super Nova explosions) since the beginning of
time, are the same today as they were when created. Their properties and
physical configuration has not changed since the beginning of time. For all
intents and purposes, they are the only immortal material in the universe. Atoms
do not die or expire and are continually created in the death of stars. Everything
in the universe, galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets, moons, and all of
their life forms are composed of atoms and eventually die, their noble existence
ceases, but the material they were made of (atoms) are recycled back into the
universe and the environment to form new stars, new galaxies, new solar
systems, and here on earth, new life forms.
The many scientific disciplines that have contributed
evidence to the theory of evolution have done so after many years of research with
a developing technology. Mankind has accrued a knowledge bank of more
information about our past, present, and future during the last 50 years than in
all of the history of mankind. We do not yet know the force that initiated the Big
Bang that has created the universe as it is today, but neither have we given up
our pursuit for knowledge. There have been many theories expressed and tested
concerning that which lies beyond the Big Bang. Some include the speculation
that we are now in the middle of a 50 billion year cycle which will eventually
bring the universe back to a central collapse and initiate another Big Bang to create
a new universe. This theory includes the suggestion that this has been a repeated
process and will continue to expand and collapse forever.
Conclusion: Evolution does not have an answer for every
question concerning the origin of our universe, but does believe it has
sufficient physical evidence to prove the developmental process and creation of
all life from a common ancestry. Its evidence is based on current knowledge, published
research, and facts, while Creationism is based on ancient religious texts
written by men who had no scientific knowledge or understanding of the universe
in which they lived. Every culture that has ever existed has developed creation
stories in an attempt to answer the most common question of all time, “how and where
did everything come from.”
So, when it comes to the education of today’s children, what
would you have them learn and know about the past, present, and future of our
universe? A philosophy based on experience, current knowledge, and facts; or a
philosophy based on the superstitions of ancient texts whose only evidence is
in the form of a statement that even though the ancient texts were written by uneducated
men, “they were inspired by a Creator,”. . . . as was this essay.